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- About the initiative
- About the initiative
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- About the initiative
Initiative Publications
Content in portuguese
The Road Taxonomy seeks to promote the transition of road infrastructure by proposing voluntary criteria for its evaluation and categorization. With this, it is hoped that, within the parameters of national development, transition roads will be prioritized over conventional roads during investor decision-making.
A guide prepared by LACLIMA and the Center for Studies in Financial and Capital Markets at FGV Direito SP, with the support of Investors for Climate (IPC) and the Climate and Society Institute, seeks to help investors and asset managers in Brazil fulfill their fiduciary duties in managing climate risks and opportunities.
In this survey, IPC assessed 23 signatory institutions of the IPC Pledge for their alignment with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and their climate engagement practices with investees in 2022.
The Ministry of Finance opened a public consultation in 2023 to gather contributions on the Action Plan for the Brazilian Sustainable Taxonomy. The Plan seeks to outline the taxonomy development process, highlighting the references used, its objectives, the sectors selected, the governance involved in the project, as well as the guidelines for the next steps to be taken.
The IPC has prepared a document that brings together its contributions to the public consultation. These contributions have been systematized and formally submitted to the "Participa + Brasil" Platform.
On September/2021, IPC hosted an event titled “A Conversation about Carbon” with the aim of providing a preliminary understanding of the key principles of the carbon market and its potential implications for Brazil. This event served as a platform for IPC members to engage in discussions with expert guests. The insights and knowledge shared during this conversation are the foundation of this document.
This guide shows professional investors (managers and asset owners) the importance of portfolio decarbonization and the steps of this process, including the measurement of an investment portfolio’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, decarbonization strategies and reporting formats.